

Mannkal Christmas Party 2023

21 Dec 2023
P.S Decoy, South Perth, WA


Populism and Socialism in Argentina

03 Oct 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

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Administrative Review: Legal Mechanisms for Government Accountability

12 Sep 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Government decision-making impacts individuals and businesses every day. The impacts of government decision-making is far-reaching across most areas of public and private life; including taxation, migration, trade, intellectual property, human rights, finance, defence - to name a select few. Administrative review provides a mechanism for ensuring accountability of government decision-makers. Lucas provided an overview of administrative decision-making and review at the federal level, with a focus on the Federal Court’s judicial review function. Mannkal Alumnus Lucas Roosendaal is a a graduate lawyer at HWL Ebsworth Lawyers, and a sessional tutor at UWA Law School teaching administrative law. He is a former judges associate at the Federal Circuit Court of Australia.

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An Evening with Tal Tsfany, President of the Ayn Rand Institute

29 Aug 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Last week was an absolute blast as we had the privilege of hosting a true visionary at our office. Tal Tsfany, President of the Ayn Rand Institute, graced us with his presence and delivered an absolutely mind-blowing presentation on the profound connection between Freedom and Happiness! Tal's insights ignited a vibrant discussion that left us feeling inspired and ready to embrace the power of individual liberty and its impact on our pursuit of happiness. His ability to articulate the essence of these ideas was truly remarkable, and we're still buzzing with enthusiasm from the experience. We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Tal Tsfany for sharing his wisdom with us.

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An Evening with the Ukrainian Ambassador to Australia

15 Aug 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

An evening in the Mannkal office with Vasyl Myroshnychenko, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to Australia, and Adviser to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine. Vasyl Myroshnychenko resumed the functions of the Ambassador of Ukraine to Australia on April 1, 2022. He briefly served as an Advisor to the Minister of Defence of Ukraine in March-April of 2022. Between May 2021 and July 2022, Vasyl served as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Institute, a cultural diplomacy outfit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, he was an active business and civil society leader in Ukraine. From 2006 to 2022, he was a Partner at CFC Big Ideas, a Kyiv-based strategic communications company. He has 20 years of experience advising clients on corporate communications, public affairs and reputation management. Vasyl advised many multinational companies and domestic industry leaders across various sectors. Vasyl is a co-founder of Ukraine Crisis Media Center, a media NGO set up in early March of 2014 aimed at amplifying Ukraine’s voice internationally. He was in charge of numerous projects and campaigns during 2014-2019. In 2015-2016, he was a Head of Board of Professional Government Association, an NGO which has united Ukrainian alumni of the Western Universities with a goal of mobilizing talent for the economic, legal and judicial reforms in Ukraine. In 2018, Vasyl was a Marshall Memorial Fellow, a prestigious leadership program of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. He was a Chevening Scholar and earned MSc in Politics of the World Economy from the London School of Economics and Political Science (2006, UK). He also holds MA and BA degrees in international relations from Institute of International Relations, Kyiv National Shevchenko University (2002, 2003). Vasyl has two children and is married to Liana Myroshnychenko.

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Win-Win Negotiations With Sheryl Grimwood

08 Aug 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Mannkal ambassador Sheryl Grimwood has had a long and successful career. Upon graduating with a Bachelor's of Pharmacy, Sheryl has worked in a number of industries including pharmacies, the automotive industry, and not for profits, becoming the CEO of the Leukeamia foundation. In these roles, Sheryl has learnt that talent and work ethic only go so far and that the human element is key. This presentation focused on Win-Win negotiations in Business and Personal life. What is a Win-Win position. Is it achievable or a myth, or are there always winners and losers; compromise? The organisational barriers to Win-Win negotiations will be considered; the size and power of the Business Entities entering into negotiations; the power brokers within the Businesses; champions, decision makers, and blockers; the appetite of the Businesses for the “deal”, and the appetite of business representatives for achieving agreement; motivations and their risk profile. Achieving a Win-Win negotiation is as much about understanding human nature as it has to do with the Business’s fundamentals and finances. How does your personal development directly impact successful negotiations; what are the costs to you personally and how can you mitigate the risk you personally bring to the negotiations? Specific examples were drawn from actual negotiations between small privately owned Businesses, large ASX listed entities, and person to person negotiations, where there is a balance of power, and where there isn’t.

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Journeys of the Mind: A Personal Story With Doug Hall

25 Jul 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Journeys of the Mind: a personal story We have no say in where or when we are born. We also have no say in which culture, ideologies, philosophies or worldviews will permeate and mould us in our childhood years. However, as adults we have the power to travel physically, philosophically and intellectually from our origins to new territories. It requires curiosity, courage and most of all an open mind. While descriptions of physical journeys are common, descriptions of philosophical and intellectual journeys are rarer, but in some ways are far more important to let others know they are not alone and to help give them the courage to break the chains that hold them back. Doug Hall is a Mannkal Ambassador, Industry Development Specialist and Policy Entrepreneur.

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Investment Philosophy with Willy Packer

11 Jul 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

We hosted one of Perth's most successful fund managers at this very special student seminar. Long time Mannkal Ambassador Willy Packer shared with us unique insights into the world of international investment through the lens of the current geo-political situation. Willy manages the $2 billion Investigator Trust.

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Freedom To Choose Conference: Celebrating the Life of Australia's Own Public Choice Champion; Geoffrey Brennan

04 Jul 2023
The University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, WA

On the Fourth of July, The University of Notre Dame Australia hosted the Freedom to Choose Conference: Australia’s Champion of Public Choice: An Appreciation of the Life and Works of Geoffrey Brennan. This extraordinary event featured distinguished guest speakers, renowned thought leaders, and individuals whose lives have been forever transformed by Geoffrey Brennan's teachings. They shared their personal stories, insights, and experiences, leaving us inspired and motivated to embrace our own freedom to choose.

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Adam Smith – His Life, Work and Legacy Marking the 300th birthday of the author of The Wealth of Nations

27 Jun 2023
Curtin 137 St George’s Terrace, Perth, WA

The Mannkal Economic Education Foundation is proud to be supporting the special event “Adam Smith: His Life, Work and Legacy” hosted by the John Curtin Institute of Public Policy. The tercentenary (300th birthday) of Adam Smith, the author of The Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments, is being marked this year around the world. Regarded as ‘the father of economics’, Smith is a giant in political economy. To mark the occasion, the John Curtin Institute of Public Policy at Curtin University, with the support of the Mannkal Economic Education Foundation, held a one-day event with expert speakers presenting on Smith’s life, work and legacy – including his relevance for today. Each of our guest speakers presented their unique perspective on Adam Smith. The event culminated in a thought-provoking panel discussion, with plenty of opportunity for Q&A.

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Seminar # 8 Enterprise and How You Can Become a Part of its Success

20 May 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Mannkal Ambassador Sten Soderstrom has initiated, managed, and brought to successful completion numerous mining projects, working at every stage of the process, from concept and exploration through to operation. Sten’s extensive knowledge and experience of this complex industry is combined with a genuine passion to help others achieve their ambitions. He is the author of the book Optimising & Creating Strategic Asset Value, in which he reveals the 10 roadblocks senior executives must overcome to realise the full value of their existing mining assets. The seminar drew on the underlying principles in the book and its objective is to broaden the understanding of the critical success factors and challenges facing people in any business.

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Seminar # 7 Communicating Liberty: With Max Payne

16 May 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Liberty and libertarianism are ideas that appeal in various ways to people from completely different perspectives - thus we must find many ways to approach communication and explore various avenues for advancing liberty. Communicating Liberty explored both Max's personal approach to articulating the ideas of liberty as well as the well-established traditions of the great thinkers.

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Seminar # 6 Stand Out for the Right Reasons: Mastering Professional Skills with Kate Wagstaff

02 May 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

The key focus of the seminar is learning how to get noticed for the right reasons. Through this lens we examined cover letters, interview protocol, effective communications, social event etiquette and delivering impactful presentations. Students left armed with new skills to help stand out and succeed in today's challenging professional landscape.

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Seminar # 5 Human Rights 101: An Introduction to Human Rights in Australia

18 Apr 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

We are excited that long time Mannkal friend Lorraine Finlay, the Human Rights Commissioner of Australia, delivered a special seminar to our Scholars. Lorraine presented on the origin of Human Rights, why we have them, why we respect them and whether any groups need special rights. Nelson Mandela famously said that ‘to deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity’. But what do we really mean when we talk about human rights? Where do they come from? How are they be protected? What are some of the current challenges? Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner, Lorraine Finlay, provided an introduction to human rights in Australia and a discussion about why a commitment to individual human rights is essential to advancing freedom and prosperity.

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Seminar # 4 Why You Should Get Involved in Local Government

04 Apr 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Why on earth would anyone want to get involved in local, or indeed any level of government? Often the types of people drawn to politics have no talent, no ability and wouldn't know how to draw up a strategic plan if they had to. Local government is not glamorous, and yet Greg Milner has found that since his own involvement he has really been able to achieve positive outcomes for the people of South Perth. In this seminar Greg told us his own story, and sought to inspire talented people with a call to arms - you too can make a difference!

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Seminar # 3 Monetary or Fiscal Dominance - A Practical Aproach

21 Mar 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

John Greenwood OBE presented to our scholars economic theory of monetary and fiscal policy, and what is more impactful. Using case studies from Australia, John provided a compelling argument.

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Emerging Leaders 2023

09 Mar 2023
The University Club, UWA, WA

Our 2022 scholars were graduated at this ceremony. We were delighted to have Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Pricebe our keynote speaker via video.

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Returned Scholar Debrief and Seminar # 2 Ambassador Round Robin

28 Feb 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Our returned scholars presented to the current scholars on their adventures abroad. Afterwards, scholars were invited to meet the Mannkal ambassadors in a round robin for potential mentorships.


Seminar # 1 The Economic Way of Thinking

14 Feb 2023
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

What is Austrian economics and why is it important? We kicked off our 2023 Scholarship Program with a crash course in economic theory with Professor Mark Hornshaw (UNDA).

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Mannkal Christmas Party

25 Nov 2022
St George's College, UWA

Christmas Part to celebrate the year of 2022

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Enterprise Forum 2022

21 Oct 2022
Level 1/22 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands, WA

Enterprise Forum 2022 where we celebrate human ingenuity and the spirit of enterprise.

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Seminar # 10 The Explosion of Law and the Destruction of Limited Government

04 Oct 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

At Mannkal’s final student seminar for 2022 legal scholar Joshua Forrester joined us to lead a discussion on the the Explosion of Law and the Destruction of Limited Government. Joshua Forrester graduated with First Class Honours in Politics and International Studies from Murdoch University in 1999. He then graduated with First Class Honours in Law from the University of Western Australia in 2003, with his prizes including those in corporations law and criminal law. Joshua has practiced in commercial litigation, and has taught a number of law units. He is the Editor of The Western Australian Jurist law journal, and author of a number of articles in law journals. Joshua lead author of No Offence Intended: Why 18C is Wrong, which is listed as one of The Spectator’s best books of 2016. He has also appeared before various parliamentary inquiries, including the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights inquiry into s 18C, and the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Human Rights Sub-Committee inquiry into freedom of religion and belief.

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Freedom To Choose Conference: Markets in Environmental Rights: Private Rights and Public Profits in the Commons

19 Sep 2022
Notre Dame, Fremantle, WA

Featuring Ryan Yonk from the AEIR, Jeff Bennett from ANU, William Coleman from UNDA, Jonathan Pincus from Adelaide University, Henry Ergas AO from The Australian and Neil Thomson MLC.

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Seminar #9 Plotting Liberty: The Multi-Dimensionality of Classical Liberalism and the Need for a New ‘Left-Right’ Political Spectrum

13 Sep 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

The full richness and complexity of the nature of Liberty is not well appreciated by most observers, especially mainstream media journalists and political scientists. In this seminar Dr David Hart discussed some of the attempts, including the traditional left-right political spectrum, to measure how much freedom a society “enjoys” (or “allows” its citizens to enjoy) and how successful these measurements are. David Hart is an historian and a libertarian with interests in the history of the classical liberal tradition, libertarian class theory, war and culture, and film. He has a PhD from King's College, Cambridge, a masters from Stanford University, and a BA Honours degree from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.

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Seminar #8 Revolutionary Ideologies in the Eighteenth Century

30 Aug 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Thomas Paine and Edmund Burke were two of the most significant thinkers of the Enlightenment. In a revolutionary era that profoundly changed the global order, these two men set the foundation stones for much of the modern western world's radical, and conservative, political traditions. The ideas of both men, however, were significantly more complex and diverse than their modern reputations would indicate. UWA's Dr Andrew Broertjes provided an introduction to Paine and Burke, the context of their time, and how the two men engaged with each other over events like the American and French Revolutions.

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Seminar #7 Decision Making in a Post Soviet Environment - With Dr Russell Rieck

16 Aug 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

The Soviet Union has left a deep impact on the way business is conducted in its former member states. The cultural challenges of business are foreign to most Australians. This seminar delivered by Russell Rieck covered his experiences working in Kazakhstan. Graduating from the University of Queensland with a PhD specializing in Metallurgy in 1988, Dr Russell Rieck has spent his extensive career in and around mining. Russell spent three years in Kazakhstan as Group Director of Projects for the Eurasian Resources Group. In his seminar, Russell provided a real case study of decision-making and cultural differences of business in a post-Soviet environment. Russell explained: How to change your behavior to operate productively in the post-Soviet environment How to explain the Australian business environment to someone from a post-Soviet system, and; Assessing new business opportunities in eastern Europe.

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Seminar #6 The Causes and Cures of Poverty - With Dr Mary-Claire Travers

26 Jul 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

There are many social issues that lead to poverty and contribute to the continued generational experience of poverty. These include things such as adequate housing, access to healthcare, job security and so on. The focus of this seminar will be on the role education can play in lifting young people out of poverty. Dr Travers' research uncovered a multitude of factors that could be improved educationally for young people from low socioeconomic backgrounds. During this seminar she explored the belief held by many that there exists among the less well off “a culture of poverty” and how education can afford social mobility for people from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Dr Travers was educated in both the UK and Australia. She has an MA and a PhD in Sociology from King’s College London (KCL) after completing a Bachelor of Education, a Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies, and, being awarded a scholarship to do an MA in Education in Australia. She is the author of "White Working Class Boys: Teachers Matter", and strongly believes that education is the way for those from low socio-economic backgrounds to break out of poverty, achieve social mobility and contribute to society.

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Ninth Annual Friedman Conference

15 Jul 2022
Aerial UTS, Sydney, NSW

Australia's biggest and best pro-liberty conference was held on the 15th - 17th July 2022. With over 200 of the worlds leading pro-liberty activists, and an action-packed program of not just education, but incredible fun.

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WA Constitution Discussion Evening

05 Jul 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Bill Hassell, Jeremy Buxton and the Human Rights Commissioner Lorraine Finlay discuss constitutionalism, the West Australian Constitution and the recent changes to the voting in the WA upper house.


Public Choice Theory Symposium 2022

30 Jun 2022
Notre Dame, Fremantle, WA

Day long symposium held by Notre Dame University open to the public discussing Public Choice. Speakers included Johnathan Pincus (Adelaide University), Benjamin Reilly (East-West Centre), William Coleman (Australian National University) and Keith Dowding (Australian National University)

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Public Choice Theory Winter School

20 May 2022
Notre Dame, Fremantle, WA

Two week intensive course held at Notre Dame discussing the economic discipline of Public Choice theory for students

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Greg Copley Drinks and Discussion

24 May 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Held at the Mannkal office, discussion from Greg Copely on his career in intellegence and strategy. His thoughts about the future of the world through current events.


Clear Thinking and Intellectual Conviction

24 May 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Science is an intellectual process of inquiry. “The science” is a belief system bordering on a cult. Two years on from the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the question remains how so many trained in medicine and science abandoned scientific thinking and became “believers” in “the science”. What lessons can be learned from this unique period in history? Dr Joe Kosterich M.B.B.S (WA) 1985 is a GP, speaker, author, and health industry consultant. Joe is a regular in the media and is often called to give opinions in medico legal cases. He is WA State Medical Director for IPN, Clinical editor of Medical Forum Magazine, Medical Advisor to Medicinal Cannabis company Little Green Pharma, and chairman of the Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association. He teaches students at both UWA and Curtin Medical schools. Previously Joe held senior positions in the Australian Medical Association and sat on numerous industry and government boards and has extensive experience in the management of medical centres.

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Liberty and Society Conference

06 May 2022

The Liberty and Society Student Conference is a unique 2-day conference for students interested in exploring important economic, political, and philosophical issues of past and present from a classical liberal and libertarian framework. The conference is now in its 27th year and has supported over 1000 students including the likes of Josh Frydenberg, Kelly O’Dwyer, and Simon Bridges.

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The 32nd Annual National Conference of The Samuel Griffith Society Conference

19 Apr 2022

The Thirty-Second Conference of The Samuel Griffith Society. Key speakers included a Justice of the High Court of Australia, the Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia, a former Prime Minister and the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission.

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Student Seminar #4: Introduction to Professional Skills

26 Apr 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Kate Wagstaff has been in business since her first job behind a bar many years ago! She moved into professional recruitment more than 20 years ago while working in Marketing and IT in the USA, and since then has enjoyed a global work/life adventure in international strategic marketing and communications across the tourism and education industries. Kate joined Mannkal in 2016, and after a few years off in sunny Norway is now back in her role as Programs Manager. This seminar covered the basic, fundamental professional skills that are essential to making an impact and getting ahead in today’s challenging world. From cover letters and emails to interview etiquette and presentation skills, this seminar gave students the tools for a strong head start to success.

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Naomi Brockwell Lunch and Discussion

20 Apr 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

We were excited that the one and only Naomi Brockwell could join us at Mannkal! WA-born Naomi is an award-winning producer who hosts some of the largest Blockchain and economics conferences around the world. She interviews the biggest names in tech, business, and politics and is a regular on US national television discussing Blockchain technology and current events. On top of that she is a valued member of the Mannkal Advisory Council. Naomi presented on the topic of "Essential Privacy Tools" while we enjoyed a light lunch together.

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Student Seminar #3: Investment Philosophy

05 Apr 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

We are delighted to be hosting one of Perth's most successful fund managers at this very special student seminar. Willy Packer will share with us unique insights into the world of international investment through the lens of the current geo-political situation. Willy manages the $2 billion Investigator Trust.

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Student Seminar #2: The Rule of Law & Fundemental Rights

22 Mar 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

What is the rule of law and why is it important? We are excited to welcome Dr Rocco Loiacono to give an exciting seminar on the rule of law and our fundamental freedoms (or current lack thereof). Rocco is a senior lecturer in the Curtin University Law School, where he teaches in the Real Property Law and Advanced Legal Research units. He has an LLB and a Diploma in Modern Languages (First Class Honours) from the University of Western Australia (UWA). He practised as a lawyer for ten years, most of that time at Clayton Utz, one of Australia’s largest law firms. Rocco was awarded his PhD (from UWA) in 2014. His particular research interest is the translation difficulties arising from the differences that exist between continental legal systems and the English common law, and he has published widely on this research in peer-reviewed journals of translation, linguistics and law.

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Emerging Leaders Cocktail Night

10 Mar 2022
UWA Club

We were delighted to be hosting our annual Emerging Leaders event, a night dedicated to celebrating freedom and philanthropy. We formally graduated our 2021 cohort and welcomed the new scholars for 2022.The Honourable Malcolm McCusker AC CVO QC, former Governor of Western Australia (2011 - 2014) and Director and Chairman of the McCusker Charitable Foundation, was our keynote speaker. Malcolm shared with us his wisdom from his long and expansive career and his dedication to philanthropy. To see his keynote click the link below:

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Ambassador Speed Dating

22 Feb 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Mentor speed dating between the 2022 scholars and the ambassadors.


Mannkal 25th Anniversary Dinner

17 Feb 2022
The Weld Club - The Frederick Barlee Room

Dinner held at the historic Weld Club to celebrate 25 years of Mannkal.


Student Seminar: Austrian Economics

08 Feb 2022
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

What is Austrian economics and why is it important? We will kick off our 2022 Scholarship Program with a crash course in economic theory with Professor Mark Hornshaw (UNDA).

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Mannkal Christmas Party

10 Dec 2021
46 Mounts Bay Road, Crawley, WA

Mannkal's annual Christmas party celebrating the year.


Student Seminar: The Samual Griffith Society, Past Present and Future

30 Nov 2021
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Daniel White is an experienced lawyer with a strong background in industrial relations, particularly in the resources, rail, construction and maritime/shipping sectors. He has co-authored a number of articles for leading journals and conferences focused on the topics of enterprise bargaining and managing unions, and is a member of a number of societies and organisations and centrally involved in the ongoing debate of reforming Australia’s industrial relations system and enhancing the Federation. In this session, Daniel will be giving us an overview of The Samuel Griffith Society - why it was founded, its success and future directions for the society.

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Student Seminar: Coaching Leadership and Motivation with Stuart Banks

16 Nov 2021
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Stuart is the Managing Director and 100% owner of Prestbury Financial Management and has had 24 years’ experience in the finance sector. Stuart has also coached football (soccer) teams for over 20 years across different levels and has his Asian Confederation / Football Australia B Licence in coaching. In this session Stuart will be sharing the value and the role of a coach from the sporting arena to the finance sector and tying in the leadership skills required of a coach to motivate a team to perform to their potential

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Student Seminar: Financial Literacy for Young Adults

26 Oct 2021
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Not everyone is financially literate, and this skill is not explicitly taught in schools. Join us for this student seminar which will cover the basics, giving you access to the knowledge and tools you will need in order to be financially successful. Greg Mawer FCPA is a Director, CPA & Tax Agent at Accumulate Accountants + Business Advisors. Greg has extensive taxation and business advisory experience having worked in public practice, commerce and academia for over a decade. Apart from being experienced in the usual tax and financial statements, Greg loves helping people in business achieve all they desire with strategic planning and financial modelling. The seminar will cover the below topics: Employment income (gross, PAYG, net, super) o Basic Tax o Basic superannuation o Financial Independence o Time vs money o Peer pressure / social media / keeping up with the Jones’ o Credit cards o Savings accounts o Car / car loan o Wills o Insurances o Start your own business Every attendee will receive a free copy of "Secrets about money that put you at risk" by Michael J. McKay

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Enterprise Forum 2021

20 Oct 2021
Level 1/22 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands, WA

Enterprise Forum 2021 where we celebrate human ingenuity and the spirit of enterprise.

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Student Seminar: The Rule of Law

12 Oct 2021
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

What is the rule of law? Why do people follow laws? What is the role of culture to encourage lawful behaviour? Join us as Genevieve Longman shares stories about the programs they run at the Rule of Law Education Centre and the impact they have had. About Genevieve: Over the last 3 years, Genevieve Longman, Graduate of law and member of the Australian Olympic Womens Waterpolo squad has been working at the Rule of Law Education Centre helping high school students appreciate and value the rule of law through their Law Day Out Court Education Programs. Through these education programs, Genevieve has brought the rule of law to life, educating students so they can uphold and protect the rule of law. Genevieve also holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Western Australia majoring in International Relations and Political Science and is passionate about legal education and the critical role it plays in society.

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Freedom to Choose Conference: Triumphant or Misplaced Keynesianism:

28 Sep 2021
University of Notre Dame

The 2021 Freedom to Choose (FTC) conference is the eleventh in a sequence of annual conferences devoted to exploring the effectiveness of free-market policies. There is a focus on placing free-market ideas in their historical context and the role economists should play in policy formation. The invited conference speakers are encouraged to adopt a critical, scholarly, and non-ideological stance when considering these issues. Dissent is encouraged both from the floor and the podium.

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Book Launch: Liberalism and the Free Society

21 Sep 2021
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

Brad Lips's Liberalism and the Free Society in 2021 takes a sober look at how institutions of liberal democracy are now tested-in the U.S. and worldwide-by lockdowns, cronyism, cancel culture, and more. Exploring trends from the Global Index of Economic Mentality and drawing insights from an international network of experts and activists, Liberalism and the Free Society in 2021 offers readers a deeper understanding of the fragility of freedom's future. Importantly, the book also shares reasons for hope as well as a path forward for building a larger coalition around the timeless values that sustain free societies

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Student Seminar 3: Case Studies with Colin Agnew

14 Sep 2021
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

"3 Case Studies for Success" with Mannkal Ambassador Colin Agnew. Colin has had a long and distinguished career in the mining industry with a record of success that would be hard to match. Join us as he shares 3 case studies from his own career that demonstrate the pathway to success. Topics covered: * Do Not Accept Conventional Wisdom * Have a Clear Organisational and Personal Purpose * How to Bring People on Board 2021 Mannkal Alumni, and prospective 2022 Scholars and strongly encouraged to attend. For prospective Scholars, attendance will support your application.

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Public Choice Theory Winter School

30 Jul 2021
Notre Dame, Fremantle, WA

Two week intensive course held at Notre Dame discussing the economic discipline of Public Choice theory for students

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LDP Seminar: Foundations of a Free Society

20 Jul 2021
ANZAC House, Perth

Part of the LDP 2021 program.

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Mannkal Future Directions

16 Jul 2021
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

We had the pleasure of hosting an invitation only event for our Leadership Development Program 2021 Scholars and our 2020 Alumni. We discussed the impact of the Covid pandemic on our programs, and our plans to complete their scholarships that involve many new and exciting opportunities, including both local and international internships. The take-away from the evening is that while the Covid crisis has dealt us all a blow, our mission hasn’t changed - that is to develop future free market leaders.

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LDP seminar: Leadership Coaching

18 May 2021
St George's College, UWA

Part of the LDP 2021 program. Leadership session #2


LDP Freedom Camp

14 May 2021
Fairbridge Village, Pinjarra

Part of the LDP 2021 program. Weekend-long event with libertarian seminars and immersive leadership activities.


LDP seminar: Leadership Coaching

19 Apr 2021
St George's College, UWA

Part of the LDP 2021 program. Leadership session #1


LDP seminar: Decentralisation and Decision-Making

08 Apr 2021
ANZAC House, Perth

Part of the LDP 2021 program. Libertarian session #2.


Book Launch: Jokes and Joys

31 Mar 2021
3/31 Hood Street, Subiaco, WA

The launch of Jokes and Joys, a collection of jokes and memes by Gina Rinehart.


LDP seminar: The Impulse to Freedom

22 Mar 2021
CERI, Nedlands

Part of the LDP 2021 program. Libertarian session #1.


Emerging Leaders 2021

11 Mar 2021
UWA Club

Our annual cocktail party celebration our milestones and achievements.

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Summer Leadership Program

18 Jan 2021
Perth & Kalgoorlie

Week long program covering libertarian philosophy, economics and leadership.

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